Sheriff's Youth Ranch in Amity

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This picture is of Jim and his new bush hog. And here is the story behind it. Jim and his wife run the Sheriff's Youth Ranch in Amity. It serves children in our area that had to be removed from their homes and put into a safe environment. Click on the following site for more information, They have been asking the state and corp. for a bush hog for over 6 years to use with the up keep of the property, with no results. We were made aware of this need last week.

The family of Don Koller (Papaw), who passed away earlier this year, had requested memorial donations be made to Kamo's Kids in his honor. Anyone that knew this great man knew that he loved to ride a tractor and mow. That is where the bush hog purchase came from. What better way to spend some of the donations, than to by a bush hog for an organization that is making such a huge difference in the lives of the youth of our community. We delivered it to them Christmas Eve. What a Christmas gift, that will last for many years to come. We thank each of you that donated in Donnie's' memory. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Also thanks to each of you who have donated and help our organization this year. We are truly making a difference in the lives of so many.

Michelle Pugh